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le 15/03/2024 à 19:52
Note : 5/10

What risks are possible with penetrative anal sex and other anal play?
As with any piercing, there’s a risk of infection, rejection, or allergic reaction,
but these risks can be minimized with proper care and a skilled piercer.
The center’s director countered by saying the sheriff was a
"pig" and accused him of hiding details about the rapes, putting women at risk.
Although women are more likely to be affected, it’s still possible for men to develop the syndrome.
It’s most common in adults, and women over age 50 are six times more likely to
develop this condition than men. Most recently,
Windham Schools Superintendent Laura Amero, 35, was indicted in April on six
felonies involving sex with students and intimidation of a
crime witness. Similar studies on human subjects are
rare - in part because most modern universities would never consent
to them - but in 1951 researchers at McGill University paid a group
of male graduate students to st
le 13/03/2024 à 08:36
Note : 8/10

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